Thursday, December 9, 2010

Caribbean Clothing History

clear-cutting in the green belt

had to Treubau Betzenhausen a plot in which it owns not, cut down trees.
Betzenhausen. clearcut in the Freiburg West: The Betz Hauser Quarter Bischofslinde was a grove of trees cut down without permission. The chain saws, trees fell victim to it, which are protected by the Tree Protection Statute were. The client was the Construction Treubau to buy the land and the building of dwellings would like. The error, however, have located in the Garden Company, affirming the Treubau. The residents suspect, however, that the construction company "wanted to create facts". The city council reviewed legal consequences. Rolf Hofmann
residents still can not grasp. Shaking his head, he looks at what is a small forest behind his house in the Ricarda-Huch-Straße still remained. Instead of house high trees around only individual stumps, cut down on the ground after the scrub. "It's a shame," says Hofmann. Almost 30 years he and the other residents on the small Greenbelt behind their homes happy - not the least of the noise from the nearby feeder middle held. Now everything is bare. In a "night-and-dagger operation" had been cut down the trees, says the local residents. Six men had been suddenly with chainsaws on the property - and made short work. Everything has gone very quickly.
The residents sat down immediately with the city name. A short time later, saw a fellow at the damage on the ground - and immediately ordered that work be stopped. For the Treubau have no Fällgenehmigung had said City Hall spokeswoman Martina Schickle. It is unclear at present, how many of the plants covered by the felled tree protection statutes and thus cut down illegally were (see information box). This is currently being tested in the city administration. Only then will the Town Hall decides on the legal consequences.

The residents assume that the chain saw a total of around 70 to 80 - but also some smaller ones - trees have fallen victim. The Treubau AG believes, however, that only three to five of the plants would be deforested by the Tree Protection Statute was worth preserving. According to board member Tom White Treubau the fault lay solely with the task by his company garden company. This was like, contrary to the agreement, larger trees. "This should not have happened," says White. The gardening company was concerned only with the order to "scrub" to be removed from the site so that Treubau the ground for further planning could better investigate.

residents Rolf Hofmann believes, however, not in the good intentions of Treubau. "There should already be established facts for the building," he says. However: It is not yet not clear whether and how the Treubau must cultivate the land at all. For the nearly 10 000 square meter area is the construction company did not yet exist. After a bankruptcy of the previous owner, the property is only on 17 December foreclosure. Understand why "Does not have the stress that acts with the Treubau" the Government also says Martin Reader, deputy director of the garden and civil engineering office. Finally, "the Tree Protection Statute no Bauverhinderungssatzung" was. provide the Government with a fait accompli, was in any case not a good idea. Although such a thing was not an isolated case: that contractors already cut down trees come precaution, always before me, says reader. A few years ago, even thought the municipal housing company can not take the Freiburg City Tree Protection Statute: For a construction project in the district Weingarten five trees were cut down too much.


The Freiburg Tree Protection Statute stipulates that trees with a circumference of 80 centimeters or more may be taken until an expert before the City Council gave its assessment. Also, trees are protected. For new construction projects, will assess what happens to the trees. Where possible, the plants are obtained. In general, however: Construction Law is about tree law. individual trees for new houses need to be made, it is for the owner the ability to create on the property itself or to spare to pay a compensation to the Government so that it elsewhere can plant new trees

09th December 2010
Published in the print edition of the Badische Zeitung.
by: Beate bump


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