walls, roof shelters and dates! New tile floor and walls
Yes, our building is still alive ... we were a bit lazy in writing the last week, but that we are now catching up again!
On Saturday our hardworking Masons have again been working on our walls and this completed. Sun are now on our floor all the walls and walls. It was also placed on the ground on all surfaces bitumen membranes. Now, the bricklayer must probably only the walls of the sills after installation of the windows come to us because it is almost sad ... ;-)))
on Friday before has our construction manager Mr. Carstens us by telephone, where the next events: next week, the windows that week after the electrician and the medic to make the body shop installations, in week 1 then comes the plaster and the third week will then place the utility lines into the house. Well, and a provisional completion date is now also available ... the handover is planned for the end of March! Thus, the promised construction period of 6 months is strictly observed, although several people in preliminary discussions always spoke of a shorter construction period of 3 to 5 months. We had in our planning with a move as expected in March ... now we are slightly disappointed, but we'll probably get over it ;-)))
Since yesterday also the beautiful roof overhang mounted. And to match the outside temperatures have dropped into the basement. However, these must lie to the strike of 5 ° C and so we will wait a little. Should not this year be a bit warmer we'll have next year still need to borrow an extra stress on the skeleton.
We also now have our first Angel Tree, but fortunately only a small and undeniable lack. On the support pillars for supporting the roof structure is a small piece of wood. This is in principle in order, only this wood is soft plywood or the like. And when you consider that it is a high weight, we get some concern. This is, fortunately, our building surveyors and also the construction manager Sun This soft wood will soon be replaced with a piece of hard wood! Thus, the problem solved quickly and easily, and we are absolutely delighted!
next week are now therefore in the window, we also meet with the medic and the electrical installations and outlets around the set, etc.. I'm curious what will cost the special needs of the landlord in relation to the electrically so ...;-)))
Otherwise, the time starts now, where progress in the house will no longer be seen as huge. Moreover, the period around the turn of the year very be sluggish, but we are happy and will continue to hold all small and big steps ;-)))
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