final coat (part 2)
Done! All rooms are painted ready .... and I'm ready.
our color, we had purchased before the first coat. Our older daughter had a clear idea in advance for the walls in her room: Purple + orange! So
two walls purple, the rest orange. The colors we've chosen not too dark, so rather lilac and bright orange.
for our bedroom, I have enforced me: savannah + almond white.
The hallway, living room and study should be almond white. Mind you ARE! The kitchen is white.
On Friday (3.7.), I then started in the nursery, the walls and ceiling orange deleted.
On Saturday, a larger program was scheduled. With the support we have first removed the bedroom with almond and white. I knew that the color not sufficient to entrance hall, lounge and would work had, in the morning even bought a bucket.
When the floor was almost finished and we opened the second bucket of paint I had nearly had a screaming fit. The color looked much brighter, although the two buckets were from the same production batch. So pack up buckets, convert Hardware. precaution course, we have opened the bucket. Apparently was the first bucket, which was now empty, not in order. So we had to cancel the hallway again. Until the evening then another part of the work room be deleted. New Color: Vanilla!
On Sunday, I then painted our bedroom and in the afternoon with support yet done work done. On Monday I was then the kitchen painted white. The final coat the children did I do on Wednesday.
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