New Rents will rise further rent increases
The new rent index which has been published and is on 30 November in the municipal council to be adopted: it is to allow rent increases averaging 2.1 percent. That sounds like a moderate. But against the background that Freiburg Germany is the city in which to spend the tenants with an average of 44 percent, the largest proportion of their income for housing, and that Freiburg is one of the cities with the highest increase in rents in recent years, the much . Particularly for tenants with very low incomes.
The new edition now has to be solved by the rent index in the past two years ago led to hundreds of processes. He "seduced" obviously wrong to many interpretations by the landlord, which was held not in court. The Freiburg City (FSB) had then the majority of their rent increase request to correct downwards. The citizen initiative
Housing is a human right (WIM) to participate in discussions on the new rent index of flimsy grounds was denied. Also, the tenant called in conservation organizations (eg the Baden Baden and Freiburg tenant ring Mieterverein Regio Freiburg) were important boundary conditions dictated by the administration, did not allow the fundamental changes to the existing procedure: On the opinion of WiM and tenant associations unfair methods of creating the so-called "Qualitative rent index" could not be shaken. So it is not surprising that none of the major injustices of the old rent index is corrected by the new one.
still be considered to determine the base rental only rents in the last 4 years changed - that the increase in Freiburg - were. Still allows the rent index, for example, that homes directly at either side of the line different basic rents can be charged (currently 17 percent), just because the eastern are considered as belonging to Herder, the western to Beurbarung. The Noise and dust nuisance, both fully in them.
The main problem, however, that the tenants can pay rent for their housing need is still not solved. This can not be solved by a rent index, to tenants and landlords have to work together. This requires for example, a reach and report on poverty and Fribourg Fribourg are to provide a basis for a more equitable society. The city may, until then, no green light given for further rent increases. In particular, they should not continue to turn their FSB to the rent spiral, but must have an example of a Mietstopp. No landlord is forced to use the rent index! In Frankfurt, even called for the association of homeowners and property owners to its members, with rent increases to be "restrained" in order not to overstretch the solvency of the tenants.
Source: Housing is a Human Right Association, 18/11/2010
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