Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Is Perrier Water Good For Stomach

Rents: Puzzle and percentage calculations

The rent index is the attempt to use the statistics to reflect the reality / Six districts slide in more expensive areas. from the BZ of 11/24/2010

The rent index is like a puzzle: the first composed a picture emerges. And that can be used for each tenant or landlord be very different. This is due to the many different pieces of the jigsaw that look different for each apartment.

He's not a name. The Rents should be a reflection of reality and reflect on how the rent developed in the private housing market. Therefore, the law requires that only new or recent Rolling leases may be considered. A rent index is not there to dampen prices or have increased. "He is not an instrument of housing policy," says the rent and former Xpert Mannheim judge Hubert Blank, who led the group with equal representation, the criteria and methodology for the new rent index has determined. It helps to determine the "normal local reference rent". The fact is the benchmark, if not the tenant and landlord can agree. If the Price of a home more than 20 percent of it, it is usury - and the landlord is committing an offense. If the rent index established according to scientific criteria, then the courts are based on it (qualified rent index).
The working group has met several times and struggled to find wording for the questionnaire as well as criteria. Some of what has so far been controversial, has been excluded, such as charges for nearby pubs and the suitability for residential communities

10 000 households were contacted. A very high willingness to participate, Daniel Hofmann, GEWOS Institute has identified. 70 interviewers contacted from June to September almost 9,000 households. Some 2,000 were relevant to the rent levels and served as a representative data base.

If the statisticians discover a strong correlation between the amount of rent and a particular feature of the apartment, then become due and surcharges. It can even calculate, how high these deviations from the basic rent. Most importantly, the neighborhood (see graph). Who lives in the Old City for rent to be reckoned with the highest award (up 16 percent). Landlord in Tiengen suffered the highest reductions (minus 11 percent).

37 features will include the new rent index (the current one is based on 50). So there a nice balcony, an increase of 4 percent to the base rent, a missing TV connection makes a drop of 7 percent. Point for point can calculate the rent for each apartment.

There are also quite curious statistical results: significantly negative effect on the rent level has an effect when a home has only single-glazed window (minus 15 percent). The composite double windows leading to a discount of 5 percent. But while the double glazing, the mid-80s was common to leave traces in the amount of rent (up 2 per cent), does the current and much better thermal insulation glazing is not enough. "That is the standard in new buildings," said Daniel Hofmann of the Institute GEWOS.

EUR 140 000 allocated by the council for the new rent index. That is a hefty sum. Many cities create such a work in-house. Some 100 000 homes there are in Freiburg, 70 000 of which are rental units. The municipal housing company "Urban GmbH", against the rent increases formed the protest most loudly, has more than ten percent.

The rent index from January at a price of 7.50 € by the Office for properties Fahnenbergplatz 4, available or can be downloaded free of charge under rent index.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fever Relativebradycardia

protested 23.11.2010 tenant initiative in Freiburg
FREIBURG in the district of vineyards are the rents increased by 10 percent be
Before the Supervisory Board meeting of the Freiburg City representative of the citizens initiative have housing is a human right today protested against the proposed rent increases for housing society. The activists have tried again to convince the boards of which the rent increases to take back. The Freiburg city construction plans in the district Weingarten rents by 10 Percent raise.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Good Songs To Dance To For Talent Show

New Rents will rise further rent increases

The new rent index which has been published and is on 30 November in the municipal council to be adopted: it is to allow rent increases averaging 2.1 percent. That sounds like a moderate. But against the background that Freiburg Germany is the city in which to spend the tenants with an average of 44 percent, the largest proportion of their income for housing, and that Freiburg is one of the cities with the highest increase in rents in recent years, the much . Particularly for tenants with very low incomes.
The new edition now has to be solved by the rent index in the past two years ago led to hundreds of processes. He "seduced" obviously wrong to many interpretations by the landlord, which was held not in court. The Freiburg City (FSB) had then the majority of their rent increase request to correct downwards. The citizen initiative
Housing is a human right (WIM) to participate in discussions on the new rent index of flimsy grounds was denied. Also, the tenant called in conservation organizations (eg the Baden Baden and Freiburg tenant ring Mieterverein Regio Freiburg) were important boundary conditions dictated by the administration, did not allow the fundamental changes to the existing procedure: On the opinion of WiM and tenant associations unfair methods of creating the so-called "Qualitative rent index" could not be shaken. So it is not surprising that none of the major injustices of the old rent index is corrected by the new one.
still be considered to determine the base rental only rents in the last 4 years changed - that the increase in Freiburg - were. Still allows the rent index, for example, that homes directly at either side of the line different basic rents can be charged (currently 17 percent), just because the eastern are considered as belonging to Herder, the western to Beurbarung. The Noise and dust nuisance, both fully in them.
The main problem, however, that the tenants can pay rent for their housing need is still not solved. This can not be solved by a rent index, to tenants and landlords have to work together. This requires for example, a reach and report on poverty and Fribourg Fribourg are to provide a basis for a more equitable society. The city may, until then, no green light given for further rent increases. In particular, they should not continue to turn their FSB to the rent spiral, but must have an example of a Mietstopp. No landlord is forced to use the rent index! In Frankfurt, even called for the association of homeowners and property owners to its members, with rent increases to be "restrained" in order not to overstretch the solvency of the tenants.
Source: Housing is a Human Right Association, 18/11/2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

What Is Direct Rewards

raise rents by 2.1%

rents rise by 2.1 percent (published on 13 November 2010,

Hall introduces rent index that will apply at the beginning.

The average rent increased by 2.1 percent in Freiburg and is then 7.29 € per square meter. This is the result of the new rent index, which on 1 Will take effect in January. Provided that the council agrees.
The rent index is not an instrument of housing policy. It reflects the evolution of prices on the open rental market. If it meets scientific standards, it can be used in legal battles to determine the local comparative rent. The rent index, considered since 2008, had triggered fierce criticism.

After two years, he has to be updated - and the political struggles after City Hall gave the top tenant and homeowners associations to even create such a qualified rent index. "They did not want, although we have borne the costs," Mayor Otto financial Neideck said yesterday as he presented the rent index 2011th Instead, a working group was set sat in the five stakeholders of tenants and property owners, chaired by retired judge in Mannheim and rent control expert Hubert Blank. This group should determine within the statutory regulations, the criteria to justify the increases and reductions in rent. After "intensive and controversial discussions," said Blank, most of the criteria had been defined unanimously. The Hamburg Institute
GEWOS then has the data representative of about 2,000 households evaluated. The results are surprising. First, rents are rising "very moderate", as ex-judge says Blank. Secondly, the Vauban district now has moved into the top residential area 2 with Herder and Neuburg (surcharge of 11 percent to the base rent). Residential area 1 is still the old (plus 16 percent). There are discounts for example for Haslach, Kappel and Zähringen (minus 5 percent) or high village Tiengen and wine garden (minus 11 percent). Compared to the current rent levels are higher and the local surcharges surcharges lower. New is the criterion that suffered from ten floors of the base rent concessions should (23 percent).

Many areas have explored the statisticians and in a kind of index transferred from the bath up to the windows. Thus, there exists the most paid for a house in the old town with a roof terrace, underfloor heating and views of historic buildings. Most deductions would have a basement apartment with an outdoor toilet in Brühl, which is located on a thoroughfare. On 30 November the council adopt the new rent index, which was "mostly" recommended by the Working Group Sun Who voted as wanted, financial Mayor Neideck not reveal yesterday.

Mouth Soft Palate Abscess

Open letter to the council and the supervisory board of the FSB

OPEN LETTER to the council and the board of the Freiburg City GMBH
Freiburg, 12.
November 2010 Dear Councillor, Municipal Council dear! Dear Councillor
supervision, dear board!
The city of Freiburg is a tourist magnet, "Green City" or the "northernmost city in Italy", but for a growing proportion of the citizens, life in the city combined with ever greater challenges, pressures and restrictions. Freiburg is for them above all "a priceless city."
As in almost any other city in Germany have more and more people spend half their income or even more for rent and utilities. Household income (at stagnant real wages and a good third of employees in precarious employment) and the ever-rising rents are in Freiburg to each other, often in stark contrast.
to find affordable housing, mutates into a game of chance. Many young people in particular can ill afford more than one room in an apartment - at prices now, which correspond to other places where an entire apartment. An increasing number of unemployed and people who depend entirely or in addition to Hartz IV, basic security or similar benefits are no more suitable housing.
turns doing so, the continuous Mietspirale upwards. Are responsible for this periodic rent increases based on the rent index and Freiburg, triggered by the high turnover in the university town, with new leases. The Freiburg
rent index, of only the rents of newly leased new and therefore reflected in the generally more expensive homes, offers owners the legal legitimacy of regular rent increases. Maximization of the maximum possible 20% every three years like this to the full. Each additional rent increase makes the rent level, which is a regular basis for new rent index surveys, continue to skyrocket. To
a sad pioneering role in rent increase has been planned and developed according to the first by referendum stopped selling the Freiburg City GmbH (FSB). Enshrined in its Statute, social order, also provided to low-income people with affordable housing is not met. The argument that the affected tenants could pay rent increases finally IV, Hartz, housing allowance, etc., is unacceptable and reflects an increasingly noticeable climate of the needs of tenants miss-respecting profit orientation of the FSB, despite growing profits and black figures in the balance sheet. In the press and the public repeatedly put forward ostensibly low Average rents of the FSB apartments reflect a distorted picture of actual conditions. Currently received and get a good third of the FSB flats further rent increases.
We urge the board of the Freiburg City and the council to urgently to address the benefit of social peace in the city of the elementary major concern affordable housing in Freiburg and keep the following measures to be necessary: first
An immediate Mietstopp, no rent increases in FSB flats!
second The pioneer and role model of the Freiburg City in terms of their social responsibilities, and affordable rents for all citizens (with increasing be visible or hidden poverty) must be produced again.
third The match will be withdrawn several years ago by the first council and subsequently by the FSB's board decision to integrate the rent of the apartments to the FSB-market rents must. Rents stable in the FSB can contribute to stabilizing the rent levels in Freiburg and prevent further Mietpreistreiberei.
4th A transparent and renter-friendly business management and practice of the FSB, which has people in mind and based on common good and not primarily to maximize profits.
5th No indirect financing of new construction projects of the FSB by the rental income from tenants with low income! Also possible planned Saving measures by the federal or state for urban development, etc., may not result in costs being passed on already affected by many other savings tenants are.
first signatory
Board of the Tenants Advisory Council of the Freiburg City
tenant initiatives Weingarten and Brühl-Beurbarung
citizens' Living Human Rights Association
German Trade Union Federation, district Freiburg
's supporters
action blocking minority
Amica eV
working group of social initiatives Freiburg (ASI)
Working Group of Critical Social Work Regional Group Freiburg (AKS-Freiburg)
ASTA - Catholic University of Fribourg (CH-Freiburg)
ASTA - Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg (EH-Freiburg)
residents' initiatives west of Merzhauser eV (Unterwiehre International)
Civic Association Brühl-Beurbarung
The Left, KV Freiburg
DGB University Group Freiburg
DKP Freiburg
factory eV
Forum Weingarten 2000 eV
Women and Girls Health Centre FMGZ eV
Freiburg Children's House Initiative
Freiburg regional working group community work (question)
Free Workers Union - Freiburg (FAU Freiburg)
Friga eV - social work in the factory
Genova Housing Association Vauban eG
Inova eV. Projects for work in youth counseling Umkirch
Youth League rebel
ROUND TABLE on the effects of the Hartz laws in Freiburg
LaLeLu - long live Luitgard!
Left List / Solidarity city
Linksjugend ['solid]
Masayeb Kheradmandan Persian Cultural Association
Mieterverein Regio Freiburg
tenements syndicate
MLPD Freiburg
Monday demonstration Freiburg
neighborhood eV
OFF shelter for women and patrons homeless women eV
Rosa-Luxembourg- Club Freiburg
Self-organized, independent settlement initiative SUSI eV
SPD Brühl-Beurbarung
neighborhood association Vauban eV
Foundation avaiable
south wind Freiburg
Tritta eV
watershed eV
Whitewater Association
UStA University of Education Freiburg (PH Freiburg)
Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Becker (Catholic University of Freiburg)
Prof. Werner Nickolai (Catholic University of Freiburg) Prof. Dr. Günter
noise (Protestant University of Freiburg) Prof. Dr. Benjamin
Benz (Protestant University of Freiburg)
pharmacy in the country of purchase
Änderungsschneiderei Anatolia
Bakery Fütterer
bakery Schrempp
Brunnenlädele Brühl-Beurbarung
funeral Schneider
Angel Pharmacy Freiburg
the bicycle repair shop GdbR
Forum Health Physiotherapy Practice & Prevention
Fressnapf Freiburg GmbH
Friseur Stefan Engemann
Hairdressers Frerich
hairdresser Wittmann
hairdresser Uhrhan
Podiatry Fehrenbach GmbH
Gaby's Kiosk
restaurant Aguila
grave times Wöhrle
Gutenberg Stüble
T. Hasselblatt Medical Bookstore
Emperor's good bakery GmbH (Habsburgerstraße)
Conrad pharmacy
La Gavina Restaurant
butcher Möhrle
Papyrus Media GmbH
perfumery Sartorie
Postbank AG Financial Center Branch Sales Freiburg 19 Habsburgerstr.105
Radhaus GmbH
Frame shop John Fischer, J. Bleker, K. Fischer GbR
saddlery and Täschnerei Steinhauser
black on white litho and printing GmbH
shoemaker Ronny Fahrenz
So-Rex fire Freiburg GmbH
TinTecToo ink technology tools
Verde Bio market
Vitamin Bazar
front building Gastronomie GmbH
inn golden stars
Walter Schienle Physiotherapy
dentist Dr. Astrid Meissner Buhler
group practice Drs med Mez
group practice Echternach
Klaus Scheuer, Weingarten pharmacy
Heike scouring of Hänisch, Schoenberg pharmacy
Christian Schmitthenner, doctor for general medicine, natural health
tungsten Benkler, pharmacists