Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pityriasis Roseanot Going Away

Housing is a human right

Klus, noise, Reyers (ed) housing is a human right

A successful referendum in Freiburg
2007, ISBN 978-3-930830-95-4 , 175 pages 21x21 cm
turning point in the housing market
Freiburg citizens vote against privatization of urban housing. The decision reduces the opportunities for further sales. (Die Welt, 14 November 2006) On 12
November 2006 decided in a referendum 70% of the voting citizens of Freiburg for the question "Are you sure that the city government remains the owner of the Freiburg City GmbH and urban dwellings? "To answer YES. This result would be without the work of the civil initiative "Housing is a human rights" have been unthinkable. In the citizens' initiative, people from various social groups organized with one goal: no sale of urban housing. How this was achieved and what has been moved to is summarized in this document. The participants write about their experiences and actions, anger and frustration, joy and commitment.

success stories - a Preface Introduction: Günter Noise
Sunday 12 November - 18.00Uhr Town Hall Foyer: Ulrich Schubert
Memorable Days: Gabi Rolland
An April Fool's joke ... Was this an April Fool's joke: Walter Krögner
Open letter from the Chamber of Architects
Open letter from the churches vineyard
WiM - Housing is a Human Right: Heidi Maitreau
The Comedy of privatization: Jürgen Höfflin
trade unionists from the start: Bernd Wagner
... and the consequences
Samba loudly against the apartment sale: Nina Kuhn / Maren Nacke
a momentous phone call: Anonymous
citizen initiatives - a risk that pays off: Hendrijk Guzzoni
signatures collect - easy: Regina Theis-Schwenningen
A Freiburger Society: Anne Reyers
from bed sheets and door talks: Konstanze Trandin
Stand up if you want to change something: Arno Bank
Bad air in Weingarten: Günter Ziegler
24-hour run? - for the future of our children: Sebastian Klus
home sales - the meeting of two worlds: Gerhard M. Kirk
Pro and Contra Flat Sale: Uwe Mauch and Simone Lutz
The "citizens' assemblies: Elizabeth Lauck-Ndayi
Chris Donat - a defining face BI: Sebastian Klus
first July: Okay, can do it: Angelo Russo
reports The free citizens: Martin Dueppe
have community work to interfere - Report from the "nucleus of resistance": Annette Brox
The darkest hour: Hendrijk Guzzoni
to the picture of the Locust: Wilhelm Schwendemann
eight theses of Freiburg Cultural Council
A hot autumn
A deckle speech: Edda Kreutz
New street actions: Elizabeth Lauck-Ndayi
A letter from Maren to friends and acquaintances: Maren Nacke
solidarity between the Germans and Migrants in the quarter-Brühl Beurbarung: Renate Derr
Go Vote! An election call of the civil society Brühl-Beurbarung
managed Together: Patricia Schmitt
posters for the campaign: Claudia Barde long
A "trailer" in the City and the "makers": R. Theis -Schwenninger/K.-J}. Schwenningen, distribute
70,000 newspapers: decide wisely Ulrich Bayer
Freiburg citizenship:: Gerhard Steinhart
What will become of Rosa and her breakfast round: Rafael Zimmermann right to a decent life! Horst Bergamelli
true How does my right, "green" neighborhood? Heidrun Maitreau

A speech: Günter noise

Public housing - for the Freiburg SPD a question of principle: Walter Krögner
referendum - an instrument to influence municipal decisions: Herta King
Neoliberal Policy threatens the social peace: Lothar Schuchmann
The Social Charter - protection or window dressing? Manfred Wolf
into debt, we can also - BI "yes" to participation model: Housing for All
The art auction - a pillar of the financing of the citizens' initiative: R. Theis . -Schwenninger/K.-J Schwenninger
22.0ktober 2006: The auction - an experience report: Atai Keller
Clowns to the apartment sale: Shiva Cringe
oneself is better: Rolf Böhme
Finale furioso
recipe for a referendum: Heidrun Maitreau
The last civil conversation in the Theater Freiburg: Stephanie C. Rich
unanimously: Hendrijk Cuzzoni
The Miracle of Weingarten: Angelika Wehinger
won the main thing - right? A quick glance at the statistics: Sebastian Klus
Freiburg resists cleavage: Fritz Spengart
A success of the extra-parliamentary opposition: Michael Moss
D-Day and the days after: Heidrun Maitreau
a special experience: Ute Cuzzoni
obituary Babi Bank
8th March 2006: Günter noise
Organized citizen power - Against the arrogance of power: Gunter Annex noise

chronology of events
declarations of solidarity

a deliberately subjective review
book on the referendum
On the anniversary of the citizens' decision on 12 November 2006, the citizens initiative "Housing is a Human Right" published a book to document the less than eight months imagining fought against the city by Lord Mayor Dieter Salomon planned sale of flats. It is a deliberately subjective review now. They largely dispensed with all the complicated arguments for or against the home sale as a supposedly last resort to fiscal consolidation. Instead, those who speak out, the referendum has helped to success. "With incredible dedication, with unprecedented creativity and a lot of courage," as co-editor Günter accounted for intoxication. In the Fact can be based on contributions to understand how the initial shock, as the Mayor's thoughts on a possible flat sale made public its decision immediately organized resistance, bundled in a citizens' initiative and after some initial doubts Strategically headed for the referendum. The contributions also show how personal involvement may motivate political pitching in, neighborhood workers describe the fears, representatives of tenants' initiatives describe the failed town meetings, an artist tells how the posters are being created, a parish priest reported the protest in his community. And of course, include also members of the municipal council of the authors. And take the opportunity, such as Michael Moss of the independent lists, to attest to black-green alliance in the municipal council neo-liberal tendencies.
The 175 pages are a fascinating look back at an exciting local political debate. However, the analysis remains in the woodcut-style illustration of the good guys in the Citizen Initiative and the evil in the administration and municipal council. This is not the problem then just days. Despite, or perhaps because of, the contributions may well serve as a blueprint for the resistance elsewhere. Not least the nationwide interest in the successful extra-parliamentary opposition the scales given to make this book.
mac Freiburger Zeitung


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